

妈咪爱婴网 yuncheda.cn 2013年03月11日 22:55:13









Early childhood education in our country are an important part of education, with the arrival of the knowledge economy and the survival competition increasing, people on early education also reached unprecedented level. In order to let the children as much as possible to obtain the knowledge, to educate the children of kindergarten in the process appeared excessive development current. This paper first focuses on the excessive education kindergarten was summarized in this paper, through the study found that kindergarten excessive education performance: education content in advance; to attach too much importance to knowledge; teaching results, neglecting the educational process; mechanical inculcation teaching method. Then through the analysis of causing reasons for this social phenomenon which, according to many reasons out to solve the problems of the strategy. So as to build a scientific and rational practice of kindergarten education  system to offer beneficial reference to kindergarten, to early childhood education to follow the law, to promote children's overall health development.

[Key word ] excessive education, kindergarten, purpose, philosophy of Education





第1章 幼儿园“过度教育”概述
1.1 幼儿园“过度教育”的现状 1
1.2 “过度教育”的研究现状综述 1
1.2.1 国外的研究 1
1.2.2 国内的研究 2
第2章  幼儿园“过度教育”问题的表现及其对幼儿的影响
2.1 幼儿园“过度教育”问题的表现 3
2.1.1 教育内容超前,过于重视知识的传授 3
2.1.2 注重教学结果,忽视教育过程 3
2.1.3 采用机械灌输的教学方法 3
2.1.4 教学要求过多过高 3
2.2 幼儿园“过度教育”对幼儿的影响 4
2.2.1 违背幼儿身心发展规律 4
2.2.2 导致幼儿兴趣丧失,产生厌学情绪 4
2.2.3 影响幼儿的全面发展 4
2.2.4 束缚幼儿天性的散发 5
第3章  幼儿园“过度教育”归因分析
3.1 社会氛围的影响 6
3.1.1 应试教育对幼儿园“过度教育”的影响 6
3.1.2 功利主义对幼儿园“过度教育”的影响 6
3.1.3 激烈的生存竞争 7
3.2 幼儿家长对幼儿园“过度教育”的推动 7
3.2.1 “不能输在起跑线上”口号的影响 7

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